Computer Mate

글머리Product overview
RPA is the abbreviation for Robotics Processing Automation, which is one of the newly emerging innovative software technologies thanks to the fourth industrial revolution and artificial intelligence. It is a solution where software automatically performs structured, repeated work that has been done by people via the PC.
다양한 인터페이스
글머리Product Features
  • 사용 편의성

    Ease of use

    Even non-computer major
    can carry out automation via
    globally proven User-Friendly UI.
  • 개발시간 단축

    Reduces developing time

    If you just drag and drop over
    300 actions one by one,
    a single process is completed.
  • 유지보수 관리 용이

    Easy maintenance

    An automation which makes
    any scenario possible through four steps
    of exception processing is provided.
  • 프로세스 병행 처리

    Parallel processing

    Maximize values by
    running multiple processes
    in one S/W robot
글머리Main features
  • 01

    UI flows connector

    Adds RPA function in the Power Automate
    authoring tool
  • 02

    Recording inputs from mouses or keyboards

    Configures the UI automation by
    recording each step of using the UI
    of desktops and web apps.
  • 03

    New WinAutomation desktop authoring tool

    Implements RPA through desktop authoring experiences in WinAutomation
글머리Example of application
Automatic sending of salary contracts and sending alarm e-mails to the employees who have not yet signed a salary contract
No. Process Applied service
1 Create an annual salary contract form and organize the list of recipients

Excel (target list)


2 Create Word file based on target list
- Create a file for each user by inputting the data from the list in the Word form and send an e-mail
Power Automate
3 Collect user's signature and create Word file with signature inserted

Power Apps

Power Automate

4 Periodically communicate the signature collection status to the person in charge Send notification email to unsigned user Power Automate
Collects system usage logs and sends them to smart factory operating units
Collects system use log information of companies introducing over 50 smart factories, and uploads the information on the operating units management site
시스템 사용로그 수집
Automated registration of corporate credit card slips
법인 카드 전표 자동 등록
글머리Expected Effects
  • 업무 품질 향상

    Improved work quality

    There is no human error, so the work precision improves Effectively enhancing the work quality.
  • 고부가 가치 업무에 집중

    Focus on high added-value tasks

    Bots perform simple, repeated work The person in charge of the work can focus on work with high added value.
  • 인력 및 운영비용 절감

    Save manpower and operating costs

    All existing simple, repeated work is processed by the bots thanks to the introduction of the RPA The workforce and cost required are reduced.