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Press Release

SAP Korea adds 5 SMB ERP partners

SAP Korea (CEO Han Eui-nyeong added five new partners to strengthen its presence in the small and medium-sized business (SMB) enterprise resource planning (ERP) market.
On the 17th, SAP Korea held an ‘SBO Business Partner Signing Ceremony’ to expand sales of SAP Business One (SBO), an SMB ERP solution, with Nownuri Information Technology, BizI Korea, Korea Information Master, and
It was announced that it had secured five new partners, including Computer Mate and MTT. With this, SAP Korea’s SMB ERP partners increased to 11 companies in total.
SAP Korea President Han Eui-nyeong said, “The selection of this new partner includes experience and ability in developing add-on solutions, composition of an organization dedicated to SAP SMB business, understanding and financial stability of the small and medium-sized business market, and the ability to support customers in regions other than Seoul.” “I considered it,” he said.
Reporter Kim Ik-jong@Electronic Newspaper, ijkim@
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