Press Release
[IT Convergence Expo] DIP supports 8 companies for ‘Data-based Knowledge Service Package Corporate Support Project’

Daegu Digital Industry Promotion Agency (President Yang Yoo-gil, hereafter DIP) will hold a joint pavilion at the '2014 Korea IT Convergence Expo' held at Daegu EXCO from Wednesday the 27th to Friday the 29th, and provide data-based We provided support to eight companies eligible for the knowledge service package corporate support project.
The data-based knowledge service industry utilizes structured and unstructured data generated in the public and private sectors to provide convergence services through IT/SW/content technologies, improving the quality of life and user experience, creating new added value, and expanding the main industry. It is an industry that promotes competitiveness.
In addition, it is a service industry that accumulates structured and unstructured data through sensors and networks and integrates them with networks such as mobile and cloud to intelligently provide convenience and utility to the public and users.
The business goals are to establish a foundation for growth, discover global innovation resources, strengthen product competitiveness, and promote export industrialization by discovering specialized service models in the local data-based knowledge service industry and strengthening market entry business capabilities. The business contents include support for commercialization, There is design planning support and marketing support (support for participation in domestic and international exhibitions, support for producing marketing materials, and total marketing support using digital media).
Targets of support are Daegu-based small and medium-sized businesses related to the data-based knowledge service industry. The industry includes online/mobile game software development and supply, system software development and supply, application software development and supply, computer programming service, computer system integration advisory and construction service, other information technology and computer operation-related services, portals and other Internet information media. It is classified as a service industry.
Through this project, DIP expects to discover global innovative resources in the field of data-based knowledge services, strengthen product competitiveness, create new jobs through support for market entry and sales channel development, and secure a leading regional brand through implementation of regional specialized services. . In addition, we are promoting the overseas expansion of local specialized industries and the development of the local economy through market changes in the data-based knowledge service industry, consumer market trends, convergence of technology and products, and support for export companies.

Companies participating in the DIP joint pavilion include 'The IMC', a big data (data science) specialist, 'Data Bank Systems', a company specializing in technical consulting services related to Oracle database,
IT convergence software specialist 'Sandeul Information & Communication', video information analysis specialist 'Sejoong IS', video wireless communication embedded specialist 'Rnware', security solution specialist 'SMS', information system specialist 'Computer Mate' There are a total of 8 companies, including 'YH Database', a company specializing in mobile web & app development, security-related solutions, and content production.
Meanwhile, the '9th Korea IT Convergence Expo', jointly hosted by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Daegu Metropolitan City, and Gyeongsangbuk-do, showcases the latest technologies in industrial fields that can converge with IT technologies such as mobile, SW, 3D, automobiles, and smart work. there is.
AVING News, a global news network, is the global media partner of this exhibition, vividly delivering news from the exhibition site not only to the domestic market but also to the global market, and as the importance of video news increases in the mobile era, major companies, products, and technologies is being reported through video news.
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