Daegu Suseong-gu (District Mayor Kim Dae-kwon) announced on the 28th that it had selected three companies that have taken the lead in revitalizing the local economy through employment as this year's 'Excellent Job Creation Companies'.
Suseong-gu has been selecting excellent companies since 2013 to create quality jobs and create an employment-friendly ecosystem.
This year's excellent companies, SE Korea Co., Ltd., Computer Mate Co., Ltd., and Wookyung Information Technology Co., Ltd., contributed to revitalizing the job market by hiring more than 24 new people on average per company.
In particular, it received a positive evaluation in terms of improving the quality of employment by eliminating youth unemployment and achieving mutual growth with the region through intensive recruitment of local youth.
Suseong-gu plans to award certificates and plaques to these companies and provide incentives such as exemption from parking fees at the old public parking lot and deferment of local tax audits.
Suseong-gu Mayor Kim Dae-kwon said, “I am grateful to the companies that have worked hard to expand employment and improve worker welfare despite difficult economic conditions.” He added, “In an era where people become the economy, we will communicate closely with local companies to provide good jobs and differentiated customer resources unique to Suseong-gu.” “I will do my best to secure it,” he said.
[Source] Global Economy News, Reporter Deok-geun Lee, duck7678@naver.com